After receiving feedback from students and consulting with programmers, we’ve added the ability to change the style of the “About Me” section of your portfolio. Just click the pencil and select the font style and the change will appear immediately. The font style for your name will also change. Don’t forget to save and update.
By default, the color preference for Bravofolio was green. Now you have the option of changing the button and bar colors on your profile. If you want to change your color preferences, go to the circle with the three lines in the upper right-hand corner and select My Profile. The first box next to the profile photo box is the color palette. Click on the color box and change your color. Don’t forget to click save at the bottom of the page.
The Assessment Score Card is a tool used to provide feedback on various areas of the assessment process. Programs can receive scores for their achievement and performance on assessment/evaluation-related activities.
We recently released an update on the Bravofolio platform. This update includes two self-assessments; career readiness and college readiness. The assessment tools provide users with an opportunity to understand their level of readiness for a career or college experience.
The front page of the website has been updated to incorporate our diverse organizational work spaces.
You can now preview your portfolio before sending it out to others. You can see exactly what the viewer will see.
Ticket support was added to ensure users could report any issue with the site and escalate to the technical support team.
For an affordable prices, users can now work with a talented designer to create a customized banner specific to their career, hobby, academic studies or interests.
Added Bravofolio badges to be earned by users who are assessed by their universities/colleges or by request.
Added an Internship textbook and workbook by Blk SiA Publishing. Both books are flipbooks, however, the textbook is not downloadable, but the workbook is downloadable.
An assessment feature called BRAVO Plus was added to Bravofolio to measure ePortfolio artifacts for college and career readiness, community engagement, critical thinking, cultural competency, oral communication, problem solving, teamwork, and written communication.
These features are now only available for the professionals version of Bravofolio.
The login design was changed to be more friendly for the user.
Several contract agencies were added to Bravofolio to help with employment opportunities.